Falling in Love with Food – Emotional Eating Cleanse

self-love2Falling in Love with Food: Emotional Eating Cleanse

When we open ourselves up to loving real food we can help ourselves move beyond stress-eating and emotional eating that comes from a place of negativity, guilt, stress, and shame.  This is a gentle whole-foods cleanse that lasts one-two weeks and is meant to provide an opportunity to love yourself and the food you eat.

When you love something you spend time with it, you pay attention to it, you enjoy it, and you take care with it.  Learn how to move past consuming meals as stolen pleasures and to eat from a place of love.

When most of us hear the word “cleanse”, we think of juices, smoothies, detoxes, or strict diets meant to cleanse the body of impurities.  This is a different kind of cleanse.  My number one goal for this cleanse is to walk you through the experience of eating in an intentional way from a place of love.  This means that no cleanse is alike for any given person.  I will help you to choose the foods that you want to give attention to and help you focus on eating from a place of love for yourself and the food you are eating.

Here’s how it looks (3 meetings over the span of 3-4 weeks):

1. First meeting (1.5 hours). One week before you begin your cleanse you will meet with me to affirm your life and where you are right now.  I will help you to align your vision of yourself and your future with how you want to be eating and supporting your body and spirit.  You’ll get important information and guidelines for preparing for your cleanse.

2. Second meeting (1.5 hours). A few days before you begin your cleanse, you’ll receive guidelines and support for plotting out your individualized version of this cleanse. These guidelines will cover your grocery list, menu planning, and helpful recipes and cooking techniques. You’ll have the opportunity to share questions, concerns and get my support.

3. Third meeting (1 hour). At the end of your cleanse.

-You’ll share your experience with me.
-You will receive important guidelines for moving forward.
-You will set your intention and develop a plan to continue your new lifestyle & nourishment choices.

Ongoing support: From the first meeting to the last, the Emotional Eating Cleanse offers daily support.

– Daily e-mail communications with Bekah– for questions, concerns, encouragement

Cost: $195

For more information email Bekah:  bekah@sagespoonliving.com

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