Kitchen Make Over

Cook-Kitchen-Healthy-1000x500Have you ever received good advice about diet and nutrition that you were unable to follow? Has your doctor ever recommended a whole foods, healthy diet that you need help incorporating into your life, or have found unsustainable? Do you want to eat healthy whole foods, but find that you need help?   Schedule a complimentary nutrition consultation now!


SageSpoonLiving Kitchen Make Over

Create a healthy kitchen. Surrounding yourself in a wholesome environment will inspire and influence healthy food preparation cooking, eating and snacking. Learn the importance of having a green and clean kitchen filled with delicious foods. Receive plenty of great kitchen tip ideas, utensils recommendations, must-have pantry items, healthy food preparation techniques and tips, and healthy mealtime and snack suggestions. Clear out the junk and invite in fresh, beautiful and easy eating.

How does this look? – You can schedule a 2 hour kitchen make over with me for  $150.  I suggest that you take advantage of a complimentary nutrition consultation with me prior to your grocery store tour so that we can focus the tour to address your health goals and needs.

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