Tarot Readings with Bekah

I approach tarot from a coaching perspective as tarot is a wonderful tool for living an examined life. I offer in person and virtual online individual tarot counseling sessions.

Tarot is about being courageous during uncertain times. Tarot is a transformative tool for unlocking the magic within us, especially during those times when it feels out of reach. Tarot is a way to explore all of our choices, both big and small.

I offer guidance for people who are confronting big questions, issues, and choices. In my sessions you can expect real advice: actions you can take, insights to lead the way, and clarity about what to pursue and what to let go of. My approach is compassionate, practical, and free of judgment. My desire is to help you find perspective and clarity as you navigate your life.

When you schedule your session, you’ll answer a few questions from me via email, which will help you focus in on a question or area of concern you’d like to know more about.  Consultations are a collaborative process; a conversation in which insight and interpretation arise out of a shared spirit of inquiry. 

To schedule an tarot reading, email me at: bekahrieke@gmail.com

Tarot Readings are $50 for a 1 hour session.

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